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where we compete in eventing and I teach lessons in that category too:)

Our site has been running sooooo slow that postings are taking forever to appear. Thanks for bearing with us while we try to run down the cause and cure it. Thanks, Admin
Jane Crandal & JB
2014-09-08 01:23:45
Terri: I mount Golden and enter the arena at an extended walk, covering ground swiftly and smoothly. I cluck my tongue and ask her for a trot with a gentle nudge. She complies to my request and transitions neatly into a springy trot. I rise and fall in the saddle to the beat of her hooves, counting softl under my breath, One, Two, One, Two, Up, Down, Up, Down.I pull back gently on the reins and slow her to a walk, once again sitting still in my saddle, enjoying the rhythm. Then all at once I lean forwards, crouched in my stirrups and give her a tap with my heels as we spring forwards into a lively canter on the left lead. I listen to the smooth, fast, three beats, over and over again on the sand of the arena and smile as I bring her back down to a trot, and then a walk. I halt, salute the judge, and canter from the arena.
1000 wild mustangs & Rusty Horseshoes
2014-09-09 19:09:40
ok anybody has 1 more chance to join this class..........

after this I will let rrpals know when to judge:)
so go ahead and join if you haven't already:)

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-10 17:30:12
OK, rrpals you can judge now:)
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-14 13:21:16
Hi everyone!! can I join?

name: Jenifer
training records:What?
how many horses:3
Dressage clothes: Blue jacket, white jodhpurs, black top boots and a black helmet.
Show jumping clothes:Red jacket, tan jodhpurs, brown top boots and a black helmet
cross-country clothes:Green jacket, tan jodhpurs, brown top boots and a brown helmet

show name: Tod Stool
name: Todd
age: 8
breed: Paso Fino
coat color: Skewbald
mane and tail: White/Brown
level: advanced

Giggi22 & Rubyna
2014-09-14 14:26:10
And I'll join any class that is on if I can!!
Giggi22 & Rubyna
2014-09-14 14:28:18
Admin: Hey all, thanks ever so much for hanging in there with us while we chase down why our site and games are running so all-fired slowly. Whinnies & Nickers!
Jane Crandal & JB
2014-09-15 01:28:47
Katie: ok jenny I am the owner and you can join and we are right now doing a walk, trot, and canter class right now so if you go ahead and enter then you can win a ribbon:)
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-17 00:26:22
all you have to do to enter the class is explain how you get your horse to walk, then trot, and then canter and leave the arena then rrpals will judge:)
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-17 19:37:39
so jenny are you going to enter the class???
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-18 19:53:04
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
