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where we compete in eventing and I teach lessons in that category too:)

ok rrpals you can judge:)
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-20 23:08:38
Chase: here are the placements:

jjpals on Milky 1st place
1000 wild mustangs on Golden 2nd
jannah rose on Brooklyn 3rd

jjpals great job on the decription, you really earned the ribbon:)

wilkd mustangs keep up the good work

and jannah rose you need to read the instructions correctly because you were supposed to do: walk, trot, walk, canter, trot, and walk but instead you did: walk, trot, canter, trot, and walk but otherwise good job:)

ok JC or Admin you can award the ribbons:)

rrpals & Black Widow
2014-09-24 03:16:02
The ribbons have been awarded - check your gifts!


Jane Crandal & JB
2014-09-25 01:34:52
Katie: the next class is English Pleasure Class and for this you will need to:
walk in to the arena on your horse, trot through 4 weaving poles, pick up a cup from a barrel and trot to the other end of the arena and put the cup up on another barrel, then unmounts and trot your horse over a bridge and through tarp in hand, then halt in the middle of the arena and show how well your horse can back up on foot:)

the judge will be looking for how well your horse responds to all of the obstacles and how well you guide your horse through the course and manage him:)

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-25 02:56:07
Katie: yay!!!! first place:)

ok I am entering the next class:)
*I check Milky's girth and then mount up, as I walk him through the gate and around the arena, I check his pace, and then give him a little nudge and Milky starts trotting and I post on the correct diagonal and Milky through the poles at beautiful bends and turns, as we approach the barrel I lean down close to my left leg and quickly pick up the cup as we whiz by at a trot, then we trot down to the other barrel and set the cup down carefully:)
I bring Milky to a halt and he snorts as I unmounts softly and quickly, then I take the reins over his head and lead him over a hollow sounding wooden bridge, he kind of jumps in surprise and then surprises me as he quietly walks through the loud noisy tarp! then I bring him to the center and halt, then with a click and soft push on his chest he backs up several steps and then snuffles my hair and stands still while I bow to the judge and then he follows me obediently out the gate, then I sigh happily and wait for ribbon awarding thinking, this is fun!

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-27 14:02:27
anybody else joining this class??
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-09-30 14:03:55
Katie: ok chase you can judge:)
jjpals & Dynamo
2014-10-08 19:23:23
Katie on Milky 3rd place!!!

I really hope that more people enter in the next class if not then we will pause the show and advertise it:)
sound good??

rrpals & Black Widow
2014-11-05 02:46:28
Hi!!! I would like to join! I will be in the next class too!!!
POA Girl1 & Remi
2014-11-13 01:13:42
My name will be Kellia.
My horse's name is Twilight, A dapple gray 16 hand mare.

rrpals: will you give me a lesson?


POA Girl1 & Remi
2014-11-13 01:13:42
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
