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**** Writers and Book Lovers **** post one of your favourite books and your story and you're in, there are competitions for best stories

Thanks Jane!
Um puplo9 its kinda weird. Like I see a picture, of anything really, and a story forms in my mind. I usually encorperate horses somehow! The picture can be like a horse or a person or anything!
Someone can literaly draw me something, send me something and a story will be formed.
Weird huh? x)

MAC1023 & King
2011-09-19 01:03:19
yeah that's what happen to me when i draw, something just come to my mind and i draw it:)
fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-09-19 07:17:24
Does anyone know any publishers or publishing companies?
MAC1023 & King
2011-09-23 13:21:13
No try google it
purplo9 & Midnight
2011-09-23 23:52:00
Hi all I read the latest story that Mac posted and asked her to make some changes before I would approve it. Mac, you are a GREAT writer, can't wait to read the revised version.
Jane Crandal & JB
2011-09-24 00:20:34
While I am revising my story here is one of my other ones. It doesnt have a title yet. You guys can think of tittle names for it!!! :-)
MAC1023 & King
2011-09-24 19:44:07
Here is my story. Its not about horses in this part but it will be after this.

The icy wind whipped through my hair. I lifted my right leg until it was all the way in the air. I dreamed of becoming a famous ice skater. But of course, my family disapproves. My father thinks that it is unladylike and that I should focus on something more important. My sister thinks that our pond will crack and I will fall in and catch pneumonia. Even though my sister is only nine, she thinks she is in charge of me. Mother thinks that I should focus on ballet.
I really didn’t want to do ballet that much. Okay sure I ran around the house prancing like a ballerina, but other than that I didn’t mention it that much. My mother found the ‘Jaipur School of Ballet’ and signed me up. It was fun I admit, I got to dance and make new friends. They were all my age, except one girl was a few years younger. Then a girl named Emily came and ruined it.
She was the worst dancer ever. Okay, maybe she was okay, all right, I admit it, she was amazing! She always bragged about it though. Emily was always mean to me. Saying that I didn’t belong and that I was a failure. One time she even threw my brand new tutu into the street right before a dance recital. I had to borrow one from someone but it was too small. She was a bully to me and I never did anything to her!
Suddenly a scream brought me back to reality. “Julie get off that dreadful pond! You will fall and hurt yourself. You have to hurry or you will be late to ballet practice.”
I continued to skate and yelled back, “Mother this pond is completely safe. Besides, ballet practice doesn’t start until two o clock.”
“The Nutcracker auditions are today at noon!”
Suddenly I fell on the ice. I quickly got up and ran to my back door. I ignored my mother’s scream of “I knew you would fall”. I ran up my stairs and ran into Marybeth. Her beret fell off her head and I stepped on it. She wailed but I continued to run to my room.
I grabbed my bag that held my ballet clothes. I grabbed my ballet shoes and ran down stairs.
“Julie you get over her right now!” my mother said as she was trying to comfort Marybeth, who was crying. I ignored her and ran out the door. If I stayed I would be late. I would have to run to the ballet school for I had no money for a cab.
Well I did have money but I was saving it for a pair of ice skates. I had to skate on the pond with shoes which wasn’t as fun. I was only a few dollars away and I wouldn’t spend any money until I bought them.
I ran down our yard and past many other houses. Suddenly I entered the busy part of the city. People were everywhere, buying and selling items. Cars lined the street and cabs honked. I had no choice but to run in the middle of traffic. I waited until traffic seemed to slow down, and then dashed across the street.
Honking filled my ears. Cab drivers screamed. Luckily I had to cross no more streets. I ran a few blocks then stopped at a light brown building. I opened the doors and ran into a changing room. Luckily no one was there.
I quickly walked into the ballet room where all of my class was. “Darn, I thought you weren’t coming,” said Emily. Lucy walked up to me and said, “The witch means that she’s glad you’re here.”
Lucy is the youngest in our class. We are all fourteen but she is ten. She is really good for her age. She also has a feisty attitude. Today she wore a black and yellow tutu. All of the girls were friends with her. All except Emily, that is.
“Pipe down you little bumble bee!”
All of the girls looked at each other nervously because we all knew what was going to happen, Lucy and Emily would fight.
“Why are you so sure of yourself Emily? We all know that the only reason you got here was because Miss Jane felt sorry that you had no talent.”
Emily’s face got red and before she got shout back a nasty comment I jumped in. “There is no need to fight here. Can’t we all be friends?”
“Shut up Julie. We all know that you don’t belong here. I will get the lead as I did in the last performance. I was on the stage in every scene and you were in two. Obviously we can tell who has more talent.”
My face reddened because she was right. In Swan Lake she had the lead and I had the part of the witch who turned her into the swan.
Emily got close to my face and said, “I hear Tom is the Prince in the Nutcracker. I can’t wait to dance with him, again.” She knew that we both liked him. But this time she went too far.
“That’s it you little…” at that moment Miss Jane walked in.
“Okay girls; let’s stop talking so we can dance. Follow me to the audition room.”
The audition room was an ordinary room. There was a room above it where we could see the people auditioning.
“Alice, you are first.” Alice slowly stood up and made her way to the door. Her face looked white against her green and white tutu. “Don’t worry Alice, you’ll do fine,” I reassured her.
A while later every one had auditioned except for Emily, Lucy, and I. “Good luck Lucy,” I said as she went to audition. Her performance was amazing, except that she fell when she tried to point her toes. Then it was time for Emily to perform. I found only one fault in her performance. “Julie, come and perform.”
I felt dizzy when I entered the room. I had to memorize what I was going to do last week. I thought that I was going to forget it, but when the music came on it all came to me. I had to start in a fourth position, do a Pirouette, two leaps and end on points. The beginning was fine, but trouble came when I tried to end on point. I thrust my heels in the air but I was off balance and nearly fell.
When I returned to the practice room, all of the girls were quietly whispering. Diana came up to me and said, “You were amazing, I hope you get the lead.” We all sat and waited for a half and hour until Miss Jane came in. When the door opened we all quickly stood up.
“Thank you all for auditioning girls, each and every one of you was amazing. Each of your parts will contribute to the ballet. Some of you might have double parts because there were not enough people to fill all of the parts.”
My hands started to sweat as she read off the parts. “The lead Clara is to be played by Julie.” I let out a tiny squeal; I never thought that I would get the lead!
“Emily will be in the Waltz of the Flowers and the Mouse King.”
After I heard my part I dreamed of the performance. I would dance on stage, as light as air and every one in the audience would give me a standing ovation. Then a squeal pierced my fantasy.
“What?! How can Julie get the lead? I deserve it! This is absurd! Why am I playing a boys part?”
“Emily, there is only Tom in our Nutcracker Ballet. I’m sorry but the parts are assigned to dancers according to their talent. If you have any other comments, keep them to yourself,” she said sternly.
I stifled a laugh and Emily glared at me. Then she looked at all the girls in the room then smiled at the doorway. I turned around and my heart skipped a beat. In the doorway was Tom.
Tom was fifteen. He had sandy blonde hair and a pearly white smile. He was really smart and strong and a good dancer.
“Hi Emily, how are you?”
“I’m absolutely fine Tom. I just got the part for the Nutcracker actually.”
“That’s why I’m here. I have to talk to Miss Jane.”
Tom walked over to Miss Jane with all of the girls staring at him. Miss Jane smiled at him and said, “Hello Tom, I believe you’re here to see the person who is playing Clara. She’s over there.”
All the girls started to leave and Tom came over to me.
“Hi I’m Tom.” he stuck out his hand and I shook it.
“Hi I’m, I’m...” I forgot my name. I know, how lame!
Lucy then came to my rescue. “Her name is Julie.” I smiled weakly at her and she wiggled her eyebrows and stuck out her tongue.
“Weren’t you the witch in Swan Lake?”
“Um, yes I was.” Great. I forgot my name and he knew that I was a nobody in the last play.
“So where do you live?”
“I live outside of the city. In the country about fifteen minutes running from here. My house is right next to the woods.”
“Really? My house is on the north side of the woods.”
“That’s cool. Um my mother is having a party this Saturday and she said I could invite some of my class. Do you want to come?”
“Yeah that would be fun. I have to go, but I’ll get your address tomorrow. Bye Julie.” He flashed me a big smile and walked out.
I couldn’t believe that he was coming to my party! I really didn’t want to be there, but now with Tom it would be fun!
I grabbed my bag and walked out of the building smiling.
“So how did it go?”
“Gosh Lucy you scared me! Actually it went pretty well. He’s coming to the party.”
“Really! That’s so cool! If you and him become boyfriend and girlfriend Emily would be so jealous!”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. Why aren’t you taking a cab Lucy?”
“I wanted to talk to you. Bye Julie!”
I chuckled to myself about Tom being my boyfriend. He wouldn’t want to be my boyfriend I bet.

MAC1023 & King
2011-09-24 19:46:04
so more mac come on it should be named The Dreams Of Julie. I think it would be great what's part 2
fluffy23 & Moonlight
2011-09-25 02:03:50
okay I'll post some more tommorrow but its kinda short and I will not be able to post more intill the weekend probably but I will try to before then!
MAC1023 & King
2011-09-25 23:07:59
I opened the door to my house and smelled apple pie.
My favorite!
“Julie, come in here.” my mother called.
I walked into the parlor to find my father reading the paper and my mother and sister talking.
“How did you do?” asked my mother.
“Well, I got the lead!” I shrieked.
“Honey!” my mother jumped up and ran over to me to give me a hug.
“That’s wonderful,” said my father as he puffed on his cigar.
` “Julie,” my sister said. “I forgive you for ruining my beret. Besides, you don’t have any money to buy me a new one anyways.”
I forgot, I have enough money to buy ice skates! Finally, no more fake ice skating!
“Uh, mother I have to go meet Ellis in town. Sorry I forgot to tell you.”
“It’s fine dear. Oh I ran into one of your dance friends today. She said you didn’t invite her to the party, so I did. I believe it was, Emily, yes that’s who it was.”
“But mother, I absolutely loath her! Why does she have to come?”
“Julie! How rude of you! Now aren’t you supposed to be somewhere?”
I sighed and ran upstairs to my room. I lifted up my pillow and grabbed my purse that held my money. I had saved exactly 30 dollars for a pair of ice skates.
I then went back stairs and outside. We lived in the country and right next to a forest so I had a long way to walk to get a cab.
* * *
I got out of the cab and looked at the store in front of me. Blades Shoe Department. I opened the door and bells jingled.
“Hello and welcome to Blades Shoe Department. How may I help you?”
“I am looking for ice skates please.”
The man led me to the back of the store and left me to decide. There was a whole wall filled with ice sates. My eyes darted around until they landed on a pair. They were white and had sparkly blades. I sat down and put my feet into them I laced them and tried to stand up. I tripped and fell into someone’s arms. I looked up and saw Tom. My face turned as red as a tomato.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine Julie. We’ll have to do this every day in practice. Besides, I heard a rumor that there might be a kiss involved.” and with that he grinned at me and walked away.
Oh my gosh! Why did he just walk away? Does he like me? What is going on?
I took the ice skates off and brought them to the desk to but them. I handed the man the money and left with the skates hanging over my back.
I turned on the sidewalk and saw Tom grinning at me.
“I didn’t know you could skate.”
“Yeah, there’s a pond outside our house and I like to skate on it but I decided I needed these to do it right.”
“So are you ready for practice tomorrow?”
“Yeah. I’m really excited.”
“I feel honored.” I looked a Tom with a puzzled look and he laughed.
“Well its just that your excited to be with me. I mean come on, your all over me.” and with that he flashed me another grin and walked to a cab.
“Wait, I didn’t mean it like that,” but he was already gone.
This is horrible! First I forget my name then I fall into his arms and now he knows that I like him! And he said that there was a kissing scene! How is this going to work?
* * * * *
I quickly ran inside my house and sighed at the warmth. Marybeth came from the kitchen and her eyes bulged when she saw me.
“Where did you get that?”
I shrugged off my coat and scarf. “I bought it with my money.”
My mother came in and her jaw dropped to the floor.
“Where in the heavens did you get those?”
“I bought them with my money. Now I can ice skate for real!”
“Oh Julie! You know how much I dislike you doing that. Why do you do it?”
“What’s going on?” my father asked.
“She bought a pair of ice skates,” replied Marybeth with a smug smile.
“Why on earth would she do that?”
“She wants to skate. Go ahead and ruin your life!” yelled my mother.
“What are you talking about? I just bought a pair of ice skates!”
“You could injure yourself and then you couldn’t do ballet!”
“Fine, I’ll be careful. But whatever you say I’m going to skate!” I then ran up into my room and slammed the door.

MAC1023 & King
2011-09-25 23:17:47
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
