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***I ¢¾ Writing Club*** i a club about writing. We could type stories we are writing and let other people look over them and give us more ideas.

This doesn't have a name, ideas anyone?

I pat Warrior, and look up to see Morgan and ‘Becca walking past, in new clothing, and the tack, better then I’ve ever had. I look at their horses, they have to be purebred. Un like my Warrior, with a black and white coat, and whom I trained myself.
“Ok, Kitty.” Morgan turns around.
“Katie.” I mumble, but smile. “Yes?”
“My mother wants to see you.” Morgan turns around and starts talking to ‘Becca again, walking away.
“Oh, ok.” I walk to the office door, and knock.
“Come in.”
I push the door open to see Morgan Little’s mother behind her desk, with a man I’ve never seen sitting in a chair. “Ms. Kates.”
I nodded and stood by the door.
The guy turns around and starts talking. “Katie Kates, I hear you’re the best rider in the camp, and we see your horse is well, trained, we wonder if you would work of us.”
“As in helping little kids ride?”
“No,” Mrs. Little shook her head, “work as in go around with Ms. Little and Ms. Summer, to shows around the world.”
“Say what?”
The guy adds his voice to the mix again. “I’m Mr. Candy, and I’ll be your teacher, that is if you will become a show rider, and work of us.”
“A show rider?” I stutter of the three simple words.

I slip in the saddle one again, landing on the ground.
“Kitty, you have to watch what your doing!”
I nod my head and get back up, glancing at Mrs. Little in the middle of the ring. I swing back up on to Warrior, and trot him in a large circle around the ring. Posting up and down in the saddle with his trot, I slide out of the saddle, lightly landing beside, him, throwing there reins over his head, I keep pace with him as he trots. Mrs. Little snapping her fingers, making Warrior and I both pick up the pace, so I springing beside his lazy canter. I run beside him, putting my hands on the saddle, I use arm strength to get up into the saddle, in a running mount.
“Better, Kitty, now, just keep working on it, you never know when you will need to do a running dismount, and a running mount.”

I look at ‘Becca, who was holding out a horse’s reins to me. “This is Sapphirine, she’s one of the horses that you are going to be training with. We know that Warrior might not be the best for , so here is Sapphirine to show jump with.” She smiles at me. “We have Empress, and Diana set aside for you too. Its your job to work with them. We have given you the first three level horses, its up to you to work your way up to get to higher level horses.”
“Thanks, ‘Becca.” I take Sapphirine’s reins, looking at the dappled gray mare. “You poor girl. I’ll make you better.” I pet her as I walk her to the ring to see what she’s made of.

“Morgan, there you are!” I tell her as I poke me head into the Dinning Room.
“Kitty! Go and clean up! We might have to start keeping you with the horses!”
I shrugged, a smile on both of our faces. “Good luck ridding me, I would just get up and un buckle the saddle.”
She laughed, and leads me to the bathroom. “Clean up, and then we’ll eat lunch.”
I look in the mirror, to see my golden hair falling out of my pony tail, my little curls curling even though I straighten them, my face tanned. I closed the door and cleaned up.

I walk down the hall, my hair brushed, and curly, making golden curls just above my shoulders. I smile at Morgan and ‘Becca, Mrs. Little there and Mr. Candy, along with two more boys. “Hi.” I say, and sit down, across from Morgan and ‘Becca, Mrs. Little at the head, and Mr. Candy at the foot, leaving me with the two boys on one side.
“Katie.” Mr. Candy says, looking up at me. I pick up my head and look at him, thankfully no one was between us.
“Yes?” I ask
“I –“ he started
“You called my Katie!”
“That’s your name.”
“But you didn’t call me k-“ I start but get a well aimed kick from ‘Becca “Ouch!”
“We use names at the table, not nicknames.” She mouths.
I give her two thumbs up, getting looks from the two boys from yelling ‘Ow’ and Mrs. Little. “Sorry!” I blush, and start eating.

I pat Warrior, looking at Morgan and ‘Becca on their horses, they are Quarter horses, Morgan’s being half Welsh pony too. The two boys on their horses, following us.
“Smooth lunch.” One of the boys hisses at me, he has brown hair, and skinny and wiry
I start to say something back when Morgan calls me.
“Kitty, that’s John,” she nods at the boy who talked to me, “and that’s Kevin, they say that another boy, Tanner, is coming soon.”
“Three boys…” I say, thinking out loud.
“Three girls.” ‘Becca says, thinking too
“Wait, three? Morgan, ‘Becca, and me?” The words come out a question
“No, really!” Morgan says rolling her eyes and lightly hitting my shoulder with the lead rope. We all start laughing, making the boys look at us.
“Come on, we need to get going.” I say between laughs. I mount up, along with the other girls. “See if you can keep up.”
We started trotting down the trail, the three of us girls saddle less, the boys with saddles. When we get past the rings, with kids riding in them, we break into a canter, leaving the boys trotting behind.
“Tanner! We have to get them!” A voice smooth and soft yells.
“On it Kev, go John!” I look back, slowing Warrior just a little to see three boys galloping at us, over their horses’ necks like jockys.
“Run, Kitty!” Morgan yells. “you’re the fastest!”
I turn back to look at her, and nod my head, I give Warrior his head, feeling his legs reach out to eat up more the of ground, putting more space between the boys and us, passing the other girls, becoming a black and white streak, and a girl with golden curls under a black helmet. His ears flattened to his head, his mane whipping my face, his tail streaming back, I hear the thud of his hooves, hearing more thuds fall behind us, getting softer. Warrior’s pace doesn’t change as he comes closer to a log. I weave my hands in his mane and let him leap, we both soar over it, a second in time where I can hear the heavy breathing and hooves of horses, behind us, but one not that far away. Warrior lands and we gallop on, he races into a shallow pond of water, going through, not around, getting both of us soaking wet, we don’t slow tell we get to the trees on the far side, but there, we still keep at a fast canter. I risk a glance back at the stranger racing after us. I turn back, and duck under a tree. I do a running dismount, happy I had mastered that at a canter and glad I wore a green shirt. I know Warrior sill stop, when he hears me click. I click, and watch him spin around, and start looking, like he’s looking for me, but he moves behind a bush, and puts his head down. I hide behind a bush, crouching low to the ground.
I stay still as the boys , Morgan, and ‘Becca come, all breathing hard, and dry, not going through the pond like Warrior and I.
“Kitty!” Morgan says, seeing Warrior.
“Have you ever though she doesn’t like being called kitty?” The boy, who must be Tanner asks.
“She would have told us.” ‘Becca says.
At her voice, Warrior picks up his head, and looks at me, or well my bush.
“What do you see boy?” Morgan asks as he walks her horse closer. “It’s just us.”
I click again, to soft of human hear so hear, but my Warrior lives for my click, he carefully walks around the bush, and over to my, his nose lowered like looking for grass.
“Why does he start grazing there?” the same boy asks, the leader of the three boys.
“Because I’m here.” I surprise myself my saying that I as lightly swing up onto his back. The boys all take a step back, as Morgan and ‘Becca start laughing.

“Ok, back to what I wanted to as you guys.” Kevin started.
“Go on.” I say, as I lean against Warrior’s black and white neck.
“Who was the person that took Empress? I was really hoping to get that white Lipizzaner.” Kevin said, looking down at Valor, Morgan’s horse.
“Is that your only question?” ‘Becca asked.
“No, I have some more.” Tanner said, looking at the three of us, before petting Dowager’s mane, ‘Becca’s horse.
“We might as well answer all of them at once.” I say
“Who’s the new rider on the team? And what horses do they have?” John asked, looking at Morgan and ‘Becca.
I smile, drawing everyone’s eyes on to me. “I can answer those.” I pause to make everyone want to hear my words even more. “I am the new rider on the team. Sorry, Kevin. My horses are Sapphirine, Diana, Empress, and Warrior.”
“You got Empress? Not right!” Kevin says as he friowns.
“Like I said, sorry.”
Tanner frowns. “Who’s this Warrior?”
“Right here.” I say patting my black and white gelding. “This is Warrior.”
“Oh, but, then why, is his name Warrior?” John asks. “I’m sure he’s earned that kind of name.”

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-04-24 00:30:37
Chelsa, maby it could be called 'Warrior' it is a very good story
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-25 03:10:22
can i post a stroy for you guys to read
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-04-26 02:45:15
okay Starwalker! that would be great!
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-26 22:23:43
Thank you!!
Warrior is the perfect name!

chelsea2 & Irish
2012-04-27 02:37:47
Here's the moment you've all been waiting for!


I was still sitting on the forest floor. I was sitting there for hours. When I landed, it was 9:17 in the morning. Now it was 3:17 in the afternoon. I was out for six hours! Beezus probably got a little lost. A few minutes later, I heard the bushes rustling. I looked up happily. "Beezus?" I asked nobody exitetly. But it wasn't Beezus. It was a cougar, a sleek all-black cougar, looking hungry. I shook, my eyes wide. The white Mustang nickered, the whites of his eyes showing and bloodshot. This time he whinnied. The cougar crouched down, looking like a cat about about to pounce on a toy mouse. He leaped up, and.....


there was a gunshot. The cougar fell down, not eve three quarters away from
me and the horse. I screamed, and looked over to where the gunshot sounded. There stood a hunter, holding Beezus' reigns. He walked over to me, a sharp look crossed his face. When he reached me, I
saw that he wan't a hunter. He was a police officer, and behind him, were my parents. My dad shook his head, and my mom looked at me furiously.
"Calista Marianna Torie, what have you gotten yourself into?" she screamed at me. I heard a loud noise. I looked up, and saw a police helicopter. No, two. No, three. No, FOUR! "Cali," said, "See those helicopters? The people in there are looking for you! We were so worried, we called
the police station. There are search parties all over Salt Lake City!" I looked up at him, my mom, and the police officer. "I'm sorry," I told them.
"I though what I was doing was right, and-" The police officer cut me off. "Sorry isn't gonna help
it," he told me strongly. "And what you were doing
wasn't right! You could have gotten yourself killed!" Suddenly they all stopped and stared behind me. I looked back. "Oh, that's the white Mustang. White Mustang, mom, dad, and Officer Charles. Officer Charles, mom, and dad, white Mustang." Officer Charles took the heavy rock off of the horse's leg and revealed a large purple and blue bruise. He took a first aid kit out of a bag and put guaze over the cut on his leg. "Daddy,
my left ankel is broken." Daddy picked me up and put me on Beezus. Officer Charles took the white Mustang by the reings, helped it up, and walked it over to my neighborhood.


When we got home, mom ran a bath, and helped me in. She closed the door, and I scrubbed myself to get the dirt off, and shampooed and conditioned my hair to get the leaves out. When I was done, I unplugged the drain, called my mom, and she helped me dry off. I got into my bathrobe, and we all went to the doctor's office. The doctor gave me a pair of pink crutches, and said I could keep them. We got home, and I walked to my room on crutches.


I climbed in bed, and my mom sat with me. "Mom, what are we gonna do about the horse? I asked her.
"Daddy's got it in an empty stall, and he already made posters." Mom's phone rang. "Hello?" she said into the speaker. "Okay. Thank you!" she said after a few minutes. "Cali," she said, "we're
keeping it!" I screamed with joy, and my dad came in. I told him what happened, and we all hugged. What am I gonna do next? I thought.
That morning, I walked into the barn door on my crutches and went into Beezus' stall. I groomed her, and put on her halter and lead rope. I let her out in the paddock, and went into the white
Mustang's stall. "Hi, horse," I said. I hugged it's neck, and it nickered. I thought of names, and then it was decided. "I'll name you Mystery," I told the horse.


Horseluver2001 & My Pony
2012-04-27 02:37:47
here is the start to my new stroy
Chapter One Horse
13 year old Lucy Dawn Sky bikes over to the stables. Her long brown hair was pulled back in to a neat braid her green eyes twinkling in the dawn sun. It is Monday May 12 in town of Hidden Valley Washington. Her friends Kate, Noah, and Nate (Noah and Nate are twins) are meeting her at River Hill Stables were they work for lessons. Lucy reach the stable and Locks her purple bike to the bike rack. Lucy goes inside to Mr. G’s (The barn owner) office. The twins and Kate are waiting for her there.
Lucy says, “Hi wants up?”
Noah, “Mrs. G got three new horses on Sunday.”
Nate, “She post that they belong to Us.”
Kate, “She said she’d pay for everything.”
Lucy, “A horse of my own.”
Mrs. G comes out of her office “Do you want to go meet your horses.”
Yes the kid say.
Mrs. G leads the kid to the last stalls on the right side of the barn she stop by a black gelding
Mrs. G, “Lucy this is Star of the Night or Star. He is a 7 year old Friesian Gelding.” Goes over to the next horse a dun gelding “Kate this is Free as a Dove or Freedom He is a Quarter Horse mustang cross. He is 5 ½ years old.” Moves over to the next horse a blue roan paint mare “Nate this is Blue River Lady or Lady she is a 5 year old paint horse. Noah’s mare is her sister.” Move down to a red roan paint mare, “Noah this is Red Hills Sunset or Sunset. She is 4 years old and Lady’s Sister.”
The kid say thank you.
Mrs. G, “Tack them up and come to the riding ring.”
The kids tack up the horse and lead them to the ring. The mount and ride in to the ring.
Mrs. G, “Want do you think?”
Lucy, “His great.”
Kate, “Freedom is a little spooky.”
Nate, “I love Lady.”
Noah, “I love Sunset.”
Mrs. G , “Raising Trot.”
The Kids trot the horse. Lucy raises to Stars trot.
Lucy, “Good boy.”
Mrs. G, “Canter.”
Freedom spooks and bolts. Kate slows Freedom and rides him in a circle.
Mrs. G, “Good job Kate. Take him around the ring then canter.’
Kate walks around the ring and canters Freedom.
The kids halt.
Mrs. G puts up to low cross rails. “Lucy your first.”
Lucy canters Star in circle and over the jumps.
Mrs. G, “Again drive with your legs more.”
Lucy drives Star over the Jumps.
Mrs. G , “Good Nate you try.”
Nate circles Lady twice and canter toward the Jumps. Lady flies over the fences.
Mrs. G, “Next time shorten the reins.”
Nate shortens the rains and canter over the fences.
Mrs. G, “Good Noah you try.”
Noah circles Sunset and canters at the jumps.
Mrs. G, “Perfect. Kate your turn.”
Kate circles Freedom 4 time and heads for the jumps. Freedom stops and Kate flies off.
Mrs. G, “are you ok.”
Kate, “Yes.” Gets back on Freedom.

Starwalker123 & Star
2012-04-27 02:37:47
I like it. It could be edited a little but it is great!!!!
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-29 17:02:36
I'll post more soon
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-04-29 22:30:35
i think the stroy i post is the start of a seires
Starwalker123 & Star
2012-05-10 00:01:22
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This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
