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The Clan is led by the smart Applestar. She is a black cat with purple eyes that seem to pierce through to your soul. She is well respected and known to be the greatest Leader the Clans ever had.

RM: *begins walking away, dragging my arms behind me* I'l be in the cellar digging for worms if anyone needs me...

Applestar: I raise an eyebrow at Shadegaze's tone, slightly surprised by her response. With one last wary glance at Tremor, I trot after the she-cat, matching her gait easily with my lengthy legs.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-09-11 21:15:47
RM-*waves with her free hand* Mmphphpmphmfpjlpmhl!

Tremor-*she slows her pace as they near the place where Riversong and Fireblossom are. She can hear voices, very faintly, over the hum of forest life. She looks back at Shadegaze* We're close. Real close.

Shadegaze-*she slows, her ears pricked. Her heart hammers in her chest and nervousness makes it difficult to swallow. She looks warily at Tremor* What do we do?

Tremor-What do we do? You go in there and make sure he stays calm. He respects you - I hope. *her whiskers twitch as a hint of sarcasm enters her voice* Although I'm not entirely sure he respects anybody.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-11 22:22:43
Fireblossom: "I heard a noise and came to see what it was." *she says calmly, a sudden courage filling her. Her fear of the larger, angry cat fades away. She looks up at him and takes a deep, sighing breath before speaking again* "Why can't you tell me, Riversong? Why can't you explain to me what is going on in your world, in that stubborn head of yours? Can't you trust me?" *she hesitates, giving Riversong a minute to think over the words that had just tumbled out of her mouth like a waterfall. She senses the other cats nearby, and hopes they don't come closer. She sees Shadegaze nearing, and looks at her sharply. 'Other cats might just make him angrier...' She worries, 'He might think I set it up. What will he do then? He's already angry enough...' She thinks, hoping the other cats will leave. She snaps back to attention, her eyes resting on Riversong's when she finally waits long enough to catch his attention. She stares into his eyes, searching for any sign of emotion. She sees none but continues to study his face* "Please, Riversong, can't you trust me?"
Roncy & Bertone
2015-09-12 12:31:58
RM: *glances depressingly back at Nat and sighs* Your fist is probably stuck, right?

Applestar: I creep silently behind Tremor, my paws noiseless on the forest floor. I hear commotion ahead and prick my ears, not sure what to do. "Perhaps Fireblossom and Riversong should work this out by them-" I stop, remembering Riversong's vicious temper. "Nevermind...Shadegaze do whatever you can to calm him. He is a bit touchy on this subject." I glance at Tremor with sharp eyes. "And what do you know of him?" I question suspiciously.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-09-12 19:01:07

Tremor-Can't say, *she snaps quickly, because, in actuality, she can't. For how can she explain the weird niggling sensation she feels when she sees Riversong, the chill of familiar fear, without coming across as a superstitious fool? She whips her tail around and sits down stiffly, her forepaws lined up neatly in front of her, staring at the ground with her glimmering eyes*

Shadegaze-*her eyes rove over Tremor and Applestar and she takes a single step forward, fear closing her throat and darkening her vision. SHe swallows her terror and takes a deep, stuttering breath, then walks firmly forward and plants herself beside Fireblossom, staring into Riversong's face* Well. Here we are.

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-14 01:48:27
RM: *I begin yanking on Nat's fist* Wow you really got it in there, huh....

Applestar: I search Tremor's gaze with my unblinking violet eyes, but she looks away. I frown, a strange shiver electrifying my spine. I watch as Shadegaze walks into the clearing where Fireblossom and Riversong are and hold my breath.

Riversong: my narrowed irises slice through Fireblossom, willing her to speak. My eyes widen slightly when Shadegaze appears suddenly, but I recover quickly. Anger plunges its grimy talons into my chest and boils up my throat. I glance from one she-cat to the other, fur spiked behind my neck. "Ignorance is bliss. Haven't you two heard the saying?" I growl under my breath.

Horsesforever12 & Jedi
2015-09-17 22:33:52
RM-*lurches forward with each yank, eyes bugging out* Mmmphl! Mphmmphl! GHMMHPL!

Tremor-*her fur bristles as she senses Riversong look at Shadegaze and she tenses her muscles, preparing to intervene if necessary*

Shadegaze-*her eyes narrow, her pupils mere slits as she glares up at Riversong* I have heard many things, Riversong, *she says caustically* more things than you could possibly count. What makes you so special? Why do you get to act like the wounded war hero? Why do we all have to tiptoe around you like we're walking on broken glass, afraid to say anything lest you blow up like you're doing now?

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-18 17:20:32
Fireblossom: *turns furiously toward Shadegaze* "I had this under control!" *she screams, anger bubbling up inside of her like a teapot.* "Why do you think I chose to talk alone with him all the way out here instead of at camp?" *she digs her claws into the dirt* "Just because I'm younger, you guys have to follow me everywhere to make sure I'm okay. Well, I'm not okay! I'm sick of you guys interrupting everything I ever try to do!" *she turns to run, but looks back, her gaze resting on her mentor (she has always kind of looked up to him).* "None of us seem to understand Riversong. But maybe he understands us. Maybe he is the only one that understands ME." (the capitals is supposed to be italics) *she turns and runs, not looking back. She crashes into the brush and keeps running. She runs, and runs, and runs... She has no idea where she's going. Just anywhere but back. After a while, she collapses at a small stream, flowing and clear.* "Why?" *she whispers, gazing at her reflection.*
Roncy & Bertone
2015-09-19 12:20:50
Shadegaze-*surprise toward Fireblossom's response shows on her face as she watches the other she-cat run away. Hurt registers in her eyes, hurt and confusion. She looks back at Riversong, her mouth slightly open. She'd only meant to protect Fireblossom. . .she had been afraid of what Riversong might do if anyone discovered his secret. She searches Riversong's face for a moment, her eyes wide and desperate. A silent plea settles into her gaze and she looks down at the ground, her mouth still open as though she might say something. After a long moment of silence, she does* I've made the biggest mistake of my life. I've done it all wrong. *she backs up, away from Riversong, away from Tremor and Applestar* I've ruined this completely. . .just like everything I try to do. I'm sorry. *her eyes go from Tremor to Applestar and finally rest on Riversong* I'm sorry. *she whips around and runs into the woods, away from camp, away from everything*

Tremor-Shadegaze! *she cries, starting forward, but something in the she-cat's eyes stop her. She shuffles her forepaws in indecision, her tailtip twitching, her ears flat back against her skull. Finally she backs up and goes back toward camp, her head bowed and her eyes on the ground*

Nat2 & The Price of Valor
2015-09-19 20:15:35
PM: Oh, and by the way, I'm not actually mad Shadegaze showed up, I just wanted Fireblossom to do something interesting ;)

Fireblossom: *she continues to gaze into the water, her strong anger turning into guilt. She looks up at the sky, as if searching for an answer to all her questions. She lowers her head, and lays down, her head resting gently on her paws. She watches the stream's every ripple, her heart sunk like a ship in a storm. She sighs, and curls her tail around her small body. She wonders what happened after she left. Did Riversong get mad? She sighs again, the tip of her tail flicking softly.* "Why can't I do anything myself when it involves Riversong? He was my mentor... I thought if he could trust anyone, it would be me." *she buries her head under her paws, wondering if anyone would come to find her, if anyone even cared.*

Roncy & Bertone
2015-09-20 13:10:06
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