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***I ¢¾ Writing Club*** i a club about writing. We could type stories we are writing and let other people look over them and give us more ideas.

Hi JC I was wondering if I could make a club called the ***I ¢¾ Writing Club*** it would be a club about writing. We could type stories we are writing and let other people look over them and give us more ideas. I would like the plaque to be a blank piece of paper with I ¢¾ Writing across it. I will post a story in my next post.
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-16 03:54:40
Welcome to your club. for our records it is 409470
Jane Crandal & JB
2012-04-16 03:54:40
here is my story it is curently called "The Tale of Two Princess"

Setting: Sassafras Isles

Princes Alexa- An unruly princess that would rather be galloping across a field with her horse, Blackberry than learning how to rule a kingdom.

Ezmarelda (Ezi) - Princess Alexia’s best friend

Jasmine (Jasiy) - A new girl in town, Jasiy soon finds friends in Alexa and Ezi, much to the dislike of her mother.

Queen Mary and King Alex-The kind rulers of the Sassafras Isles, also Princess Alexa and Prince Samuel’s parents

Blackberry-Alexa’s wild horse

Mayberry-Ezi’s greyhound

Coco- Jasiy’s little brown tabby cat

Linsy and Ally- The mean girls, they are always teasing Jasiy

Prince Samuel- Alexa’s twin brother that is quite the opposite of her

Princess Jena- Though an old ghost she is quite friendly.

Blueberry-Princess Alexa’s blue dragon

Aurther- A very old ghost he sometimes gets quite confused
Chapter 1
Meeting Jasiy
“Come on” shouted Alexa as she finished running across the field and looked back to see that her best friend, Ezmarelda was still in the middle of the field with her trusty greyhound, Mayberry at her side. “Here Mayberry” she called and the greyhound immediately streaked towards her.
Ezi arrived a few minutes later gasping for breath “How do you run so fast” she panted. “You’re a princess too!!” she said, catching her breath. “I just do” Alexa said hitching up her skirt. “Race you back! I’ll go easy on you she said seeing her friend’s horrified expression. “Okay, okay, but then we get to go see the new girl” Ezmarelda agreed. “Okay we can” Alexa said.

  

The girls walked up to the new girl’s house debating about who should knock on the door. After a while Ezi finally gave up. Alexa’s ‘Princess powers’ as she liked to call them were just to strong. She knocked on the door and Jasmine answered almost immediately. “Yes?” she asked in shy, timid voice. “Hi!” Alexa said “I’m Princess Alexa and this is my best friend Ezmarelda. Well don’t just stand there and look like you’ve seen a ghost!! You haven’t have you? Come out! Do something!”
“Oh, um sorry” Jasiy said doing an awkward curtsy “I’m very honed to meet you Princess, and you too Ezmarelda. Um, my name is Jasmine but you can call me Jasiy for short.” “Hi Jasiy” said Alexa and Ezi at the same time. “Do you want to come and play?” asked Princess Alexa. “Okay” Jasmine said just as a little brown tabby cat trotted out the door.
“Aw” said Ezi “Who’s that?” “Oh that’s just my cat, Coco.” Mayberry comes up to sniff Coco, but Ezmarelda stops him, thinking Coco might run away. “It’s okay Ezi, Coco loves dogs, we used to have a dog, but we had to give him away before we moved, Mom said we couldn’t have two animals.” Jasiy explained.
“That’s really sad” Alexa said “Anyway we were coming to see if you wanted to come and meet my hose, Blackberry. She lives just over that hill. She’s quite wild when you’re trying to get her saddle on, but she’s as calm as Mayberry here once you manage to get it on!!”
“Okay I guess?” Jasiy says as more of a question than anything else. “I’ve always liked hoses but I’ve never ridden one.” “All the more reason to go see Blackberry!” Ezi exclaims.
“Okay.” “Come on! Let’s go! I’ll race you to the top of the hill!” exclaims Alexa. “Okay!” Jasiy says more excited that she has been in days. She takes off at full speed. When she reaches the top of the hill she looks down to see a giant dip that not only houses a horse but also a huge, blue dragon!! When Alexa and Ezi arrive she asks whose dragon it is. “It’s mine!” Alexa explains with excitement in her voice.
“Wow. I knew that you were special but I never suspected that you had a dragon!” “Well now you know!” Alexa says “Yep, now I know. Wow! Can he fly?” “Well I don’t know. I haven’t taken him up in the air but I have ridden him around the valley. But I think I might take him up in the air today. Do you want to help? His name is Blueberry. I’ll go saddle him and Blackberry while Ezi tells you how to act around him.”
As Ezmarelda tells Jasmine how to act around Blueberry, Alexa saddles him and Blackberry up. She hears tidbits if the conversation “So you never want to… and never-ever…. but he loves it when…” This went on and on until Alexa finished saddling up the animals and ran back up the hill to tell them that they could come down.
Ezmarelda helped Alexa and Jasmine on to Blueberry. She took Blackberry for a gallop around the field while Alexa explained to Jasiy how to be Blueberry’s Navigator.
She felt a little jealous of Jasiy because she had always expected to be Blueberry’s Navigator and now a new girl was coming in and taking her hopefulness away.
Once they were ready and Alexa was convinced Jasmine knew the rules they galumphed around the field once and then told Ezmarelda that they were going to go up.
Jasiy told Blueberry to go up and he did!!

Dragon’s eyes
I heard my Navigator tell me to go up; I haven’t done this before but I know from my memories that I am supposed to go up. I take a running start, spread my wings, flap them and I feel my feet lift of the ground! I keep flapping my wings until I am high above the earth. I start to get tired and My Navigator tells be to go back down so I don’t flap anymore, I just hold my wings like a parachute and let us fall gently

Ezi’s eyes
I watch from Blackberry’s back as my friends take off, gliding gracefully higher. I see them circle and then slowly come back down. It was amazing!

Alexa’s eyes
I feel the wind in my face as we lift of the ground. I look down at the ground as it grows smaller and smaller. It feels like to soon when Jasmine tells him to go back down

Jasmine’s eyes
I know this is all up to me now. I have control over Blueberry. I tell him to go up or down or where to go. After a while I felt Blueberry’s wings get tire so I let him go down. The experience was extraordinary!! I know I will feel it many more times.
“Wow!” I say as we land. “That was amazing!” “I know!” Ezi exclaims, “It was so cool to see you flying, up in the sky!” “I know! It felt amazing too! Why did you have us come down so soon?” Alexa asks me. “Well, I don’t know, I just felt Blueberry getting tired, and he couldn’t hold us up much longer, so I told him to come down. I don’t know why I just did. It was like... like, well I don’t know!” “Let’s go to the palace for a snack. I’m hungry” Alexa says, sounding very hungry. “First let’s take care of Blueberry. We don’t want to leave him standing here, hot and hungry!” I exclaim.
Once Blueberry is once again happily romping in his valley we leave to get a snack.

pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-18 23:05:10
hi i would like to join!!! i was inspired to write after reading the Canterwood Crest books. I enjoyed the books a lot. and i wanted other people to feel the same joy. bye for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marcia & Tiger
2012-04-18 23:57:06
Here are the rules:

1-Please give honist advice
2-you don't have to aks to join
3-HAve fun

pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-20 00:17:07
Can I join? Here's my 4th, 5, and 6 chapter of The Horse with No Rider


I went to bed early after dinner so I could wake up early on Saturday. Sunday's the last day of Spring Break, and if I don't find out who that horse is soon, I'm gonna lose it. The next morning, I got up at 7:56. That means mom was up getting breakfast cooked. I rushed down stairs to the kitchen. "Mom, mom, MOM!" I yelled. The echoes bounced off of the beige walls. Mom looked up from the frying pan containing the eggs and bacon. "What? Is Beezus missing? Is she sick? What is it?" she asked me, a tone of worry in her voice. "Nothing," I replied, "Can we go out and ask people about the white Mustang now?" Mom looked at me either relieved or annoyed. "No, Calista. We still have to eat breakfast and, look
at you! You're still in your PJs. We can go after you get dressed and we all eat breakfast." I sighed. I really, REALLY want to look for that horse NOW! I ran up stairs and got on a green T-shirt and blue jeans. I went downstairs, and breakfast was ready. I tried to cram as much food in my mouth as possible as my parents took there time eating theirs. When I was done, my parents only had a few peices left. A few minutes later, they were done. "Yes! We can go now! Can I ride Beezus, mom?" "Yes, Cali. We'll leave in a few minutes," she told me. I ran outside and into Beezus' stable and tacked her up. "Ready girl?" I asked her, putting on my helmet. I took her out to the paddock and let her trot around. When her reddish chestnut coat shined in the sun, it looked
as if it were gold covered in clay it just got dug out of the ground. "Cali!" my dad called. "Time to go!" I caught Beezus and mounted her, meeting my parents at the front of the house.
We walked down the rode and saw a teenage girl watering some plants. "Hi," I greeted her, "have you seen a white horse, all tacked up, walking around the neighbor hood?" "Sorry, I haven't," she replied. "But I'll keep an eye out for one."
"Thank you," me and my parents all said in unison.
Next we saw Mr. Kane, an older man sitting on his front porch. "Hello. Have you seen a white horse that's tacked up walking around the neighborhood?" she asked him. "No, but I'll call you if I do," the kind man told us. "Bye, Lydia. Bye, James. Bye, Squirt." He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I always loved it when he called me that. We came up to a woman who was planting a garden. "Hello, Cydie!" mom exclaimed. "Hi Miss Nikall!" I said. The young blue-eyed bruenet looked up. "Hello hello!" she smiled. "I haven't seen you three scince Cali went to preschool and we all voulenteered!" "Anyway," mom said, "Have you seen a white horse walking around the neighborhood with its tack on?" Miss Nickall stopped and thought for a moment. "Well......"


"I have. I wonder whose it is?" "Do yuo know which
way it walked?" I asked eagerly. "Yes," she told us. "I saw it one night when I was closing my blinds before I went to bed, and I saw it trotting past towards the woods. Then when I got in bed, I heard a loud whinny." I looked in the direction of the woods, worried. "I have to go find it!" I moved Beezus into a gallop, and then into the tall green trees. "No!" my dad called to me. "Calista Marianna Serina Torie! Get back here right now!" my mom yelled furiously at me. "Cali,
don't go into those woods! You could get seriously
hurt!" Miss Nikall screamed worried. But I didn't listen. I was looking for a horse that could be in


I looked around the woods, seeing if the white horse was near. We reached the middle of the woods, almost in the urban area of Salt Lake City.
Beezus did NOT like the woods. She snorted when gnats flew in her face, and stomped her hooves when she stepped in mud, getting it on her stomach
and the bottom of my black western riding boots. Trust me, I didn't like them either. I would occasionally bump my head on a branch, and leaves would get in my hair. Also, the mosquito population there was HUGE. They were either biting
my arms, or stabbing me with there little survival
knives. Suddenly, Beezus saw a snake slither by, and spooked. She reared up, and whinnied, throwing me off. I landed, and my left ankel gave
out. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the white Mustang! He was on his side, his front right leg cut, and his eyes wide.
He nickered and I realized his back right leg had a heavy rock on it. "Hey, hey, hey," I said. "It's alright. You're safe. Just don't move." He calmed down. A few minutes later, Beezus appeared. She sniffed the white horse, and then my leg injury. She nickered, as if she were saying, "Are you okay?" "Beezus," I said to her.
"Go get an adult, one you've seen. Please!" And she was off.

Horseluver2001 & My Pony
2012-04-20 03:20:50
LOVE your story pp2!
MAC1023 & King
2012-04-20 23:58:40
Hello, I love writing is it okay is I write or is it for certain people?
Alariisme & Ginger
2012-04-21 23:31:01
I really like your story horse lover! Please wright more. And yes you can join
pp2 & Finnigan
2012-04-21 23:35:42
This chapter one

Sarah ran down from her house to the barn. The rain drizzled on her raincoat and the mud from the path she was walking on splashed everywhere. As the bright red barn came to view her heart pounded. She slipped in the mud and fell on her rear in the mud. She got up and her head nearly ran into the barn door. The images of her nightmare that night was the reason why she was running into the barn. She opened the door, it made a creaking noise. She heard nickers of the horses. She walked to a stall slowly and peeked over the stall door. She nearly fainted. Buttercup was gone.

"Buttercup!" Sarah yelled and ran into the pasture. The sun was starting to peek over the mountains. Running alongside the fence trying to see if her Creamy white quarter horse. She then saw a hole in the fence-and claw marks. She studied the marks. They were as big as a cougar's. Her eyes watered as she ran towards the forest. She hear neighs and roars. She peeked down in a small creek where Buttercup and a full-grown male cougar slashing at her. Buttercup trampled over the cougar. "REEEEHHHHRRR" The cougar limped away. Buttercup, who only turned a year old yesterday was spooked and ran deeper into the forest.

She ran back into her house where her mom was preparing breakfast. "Mom, Buttercup is in the forest and she is spooked!" Sarah cried. But her mom only called dad and to bring his gun. I am running out of room now ^-^

Alariisme & Ginger
2012-04-22 19:37:47
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
