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Bayside Creek Riding Academy Roleplay

RM: right. I do not want it deleted, just make it sort of like it is a new club once JC is able. :)
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-11-04 01:45:04
Thread shortened. You should have a lot more room now!


Jane Crandal & JB
2014-11-04 02:09:37
RM: JC, thanks! Rae, it is not a college just a riding school.
Shelby: "On weekends."

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-11-06 00:45:19
Shelby: "Sure!"
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-11-10 21:52:55
Katie: walks up from her cabin with her riding boots in one hand and a back pack on her back.
"hi Shelby! sorry I am late, I slept late last night:)"
*to felicity* "hi! I am Katie and I own Pepsi and Milky!"

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-11-14 02:10:27
RM: This is both. And if she is a new rider, yes. :)
Shelby: "It's fine Katie." *to Felicity* "I think you have cabin number..." *looks at clipboard* "3. Right next to Katie's cabin."

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-11-18 15:05:19
Shelby: *to Katie and Felicity* "Lessons are from 2:00 to 3:30 every day except Saturday and Sunday. Today they will be held in the outdoor arena since it's nice and sunny. You can also set up private lessons by filling out the form in the tack room."
Time: 1:00 in the afternoon
Day: Tuesday
Weather: in the low 70s, sunny.

lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-11-21 00:47:11
Katie: *to felicity* "thanks!"
*seeing that Pepsi and Milky are fed I turn to Shelby and ask: "what stalls or chores need to be done?"

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-11-21 00:47:11
Shelby: "Thanks for offering, Katie! There are two stalls right down there that need to be cleaned up. My mom just got two new lesson horses, so we need to clean the stalls up for them."
lydagdolllover & Captain Kirk
2014-11-23 01:32:56
Katie: glad I could be helpful!
*I grab a rake and a wheelbarrow, then walk down to the two stalls and clean them up for about 30 minutes leaving me 30 minutes to tack up and warm up for our lesson:)
I lead Milky out and groom him, tack him up in a all purpose saddle, and then I strap on my helmet, gloves, & riding boots.
I lead Milky to the outdoor arena, mount up and set him at a walk while I do stretches, then I cross the stirrups over the front of the saddle and warm up trotting without stirrups.
once warmed up I wait for felicity and Shelby:)*

RM: if I am going to far ahead of any schedule you wanted to do before the lesson, I will wait until you catch up:)

jjpals & Dynamo
2014-11-23 03:18:20
Check the speed of your Internet connectionCheck your computer's speed
This is Club Pony Pals, the official Pony Pals game and virtual horse world. Here you can adopt, ride and care for the pony you always wanted. Our site is based on the Scholastic books about three girls by Jeanne Betancourt.
